Global impact within walking distance

Sweden is ranked as one of Europe's most innovative countries where the region of Skåne is among the top innovation leaders in Europe. In Lund, we have developed a unique innovation culture and support system over the past 40 years.

In our work with the innovation district, we want to strengthen Lund's capacity for international collaborations and partnerships. We are developing Lund's innovation district together.

Visit Future by Lund to explore more!

The steering group

For the development of Lund Innovation District, a steering group has been formed consisting of Anders Almgren, Mayor and Chairman of the City Executive Committee in Lund Municipality; Kristina Eneroth, Pro Vice-Chancellor at Lund University; and Pia Kinhult, Head of Host State Relations at ESS. The task of leading the co-creation of Lund Innovation District has been assigned to Future by Lund.

Anders Almgren

Mayor and Chairman of the City Executive Committee in Lund Municipality

Foto: Fredrik Åkerberg

Kristina Eneroth

Pro Vice-Chancellor at Lund University

Foto: Kennet Ruona

Pia Kinhult

Head of Host States Relations ESS

Foto: ESS